Sunday, November 8, 2009

"BEING" Armed VS. "BAREING" Arms in the battle for Health vs H1N1

We've all heard that there are TWO ways that we can "fight" against and avoid the FLU, and other viruses;
#1) we must do all those things we've heard about that keep our immune systems strong;
-eating nutritiously,
-drinking plenty of water,
-getting a full night's rest,
-taking extra Vitamin D during the winter months,
-washing our hands frequently,
-keeping our hands away from our eyes, nose and mouth,
-avoiding being near people who are "sick",
-AND staying home ourselves if we are experiencing any viral symptoms.
#2) we can buy "insurance" by having a vaccination that was designed to assist our bodies in producing antigens ("soldiers") to one or more SPECIFIC viruses.
Vaccines have a proven effectiveness, over a great many years of use, to stop the spread of disease and save  human suffering and millions of lives . Who, today knows of anyone contracting POLIO? or TB? or any one of the many other deadly, disfiguring diseases of the past? As you can see, vaccines, as imperfect as they sometimes seem, certainly have a revered  place in the history of human health.
If you are in a "high risk" group you will need advice from your Doctor as well.
The question, as I see it, then becomes:
"Which method do I choose for myself (and my children) to limit MY risk of contracting a potentially lethal disease?"
Then each of us has the responsibility to follow through on our choice and conviction.

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